• Admission to Rainbow Academy English School is open to all children irrespective of caste, creed, religion or region.
  • Application form should be duly filled and submitted at the School office. Registration for admission does not ensure an admission.
  • Considering the limited number of seats, it is expected that those who seek admission will understand the constraints of the Institution. Exerting any influence for admission directly or indirectly will not be encouraged or entertained.
  • Leaving / Transfer Certificates in original will be required after the admission process is completed failing which admission cannot be granted.

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Admission Form

    Parents can confirm admission to Rainbow Academy English School either by visiting the School or Online.

    Academic Year 2020-2021

    1) Download and Complete the application form.

    2) Please submit the printed application form along with following documents at the School Office.

    a. Photocopy of the student’s birth certificate and Aadhaar Card (if applicable).
    b. School leaving certificate (can be submitted later if not currently available).
    c. UDISE Number (Unified District information System for Education) from current school.
    d. Photocopy of the previous and current class Report Card.
    e. Photocopy of Address proof and Parent’s Pan Card (original to be carried for verification).
    f. 3 passport size photographs of the student.

    3) Please deposit cash or submit a Cheque with the to the School Office. Please mention the name of your ward, and contact number on the rear side of the Cheque. Fees once paid will be strictly non-refundable.

    Admissions are on a first come first serve basis and seats are limited. Admissions will only be confirmed once the necessary documents and the payment of the fee is made. Fees once paid will be strictly non-refundable.

    The age norms for Rainbow Kids for academic year 2020/2021 is as follows :

    ClassAge CriteriaBirth Between
    Nursery3 years by 1st October 202001-October-2016  to
    Junior K.G.4 years by 1st October 202001-October-2015  to
    Senior K.G.5 years by 1st October 202001-October-2014  to
    Std 1st6 years by 1st October 202001-October-2013  to
    Std 2nd7 years by 1st October 202001-October-2012  to
    Std 3rd8 years by 1st October 202001-October-2011  to
    Std 4th9 years by 1st October 202001-October-2010  to

    For more information on admissions, please call on 9029000625